Thursday, April 7, 2011

White Rice

When Claus gets a new friend from the carnival, he wants to get married, Roger decides to fill in as a priest

Since Roger never got a dvd player for his Quinceañera, He had to work out to his VHS tapes in his green pajamas

Sweeps McCullough is a talent manager and decides to help out Francine with her career in comedy

Of Ice and Men

Roger goes to the ice rink to watch Stan ice skate in a white parka and sweats
Wanting to win a wig collection, Roger decides to step in as Stan's skate partner in a pink dress
On the day of the competition, Roger decides to wear a purple dress
Roger wears one of his many wigs he won in the competition

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

There will be bad blood

Roger is Uncle Cathy, the family drunk

Roger decides to conduct a mini choo choo train

Trying to be sneaky Stan's family breaks
into his brother's house. Roger decides he's going to be a cat with fish nets and high heels.

In 2007 Roger had a wolf named Felicity all he had was a wig and a pet